Tilbake til alle arrangementer

Finse - Rembedalsseter - Hallingskeid

  • BSI FRILUFT 1 Parkveien Bergen, Vestland, 5007 Norway (kart)

Difficulty: 3/4

Date: 8 - 9. March

Trip leaders: Kristine & Erling

Description: We’ll do a weekend with mountain skiing! Departure with the train to Finse Saturday morning. Thereafter starts the about 20 km long trip to Rembedalsseter, where we’ll sleep for the night. The day after we will go the last bit to Hallingskeid (about 15 km) before we take the train back to Bergen.

You must have experience on fjellski (mountain skiis) to join this trip.

8. mars

Fjellski til Grindaflethytta

14. mars

Kaldavasshytta, Øykjafond, Vassfjøro